"The world we live in is getting smaller and peoples actions have tremendous impact. In the era in wich we live people cannot get away with cllinging to their beliefs. I dont have any personal attachment or clinging to being a Buddhist. We need to step outside the boundaries of Buddhism and really go out and share the benefits of our Buddhist practise with the rest of the world. " / HHG Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje

Thursday, November 4, 2010

We have a choice

Friday nights at the Vihara everyone is welcome for a Dharma talk and reflections. I was gracefully invited to give a talk and to share such an evening with the sangha here. You can find the talk I gave posted under "Sister Chimey Lhatso" - "We have a choice", through this link: http://www.saranaloka.org/audio/visiting-teachers.html
You will also find talks from other teachers there that might inspire you. Enjoy!

If you have any trouble finding this mp3 file or downloading it, please let me know.

Yours in the Dharma,